AUTHORS’ GUIDELINES_Submission of original manuscripts

Submission of original manuscripts

Submission of manuscripts
Submission of manuscripts

Articles and materials for possible publication are to be submitted via e-mail to

The following files are to be submitted:

  1. Anonymized manuscript with the text of the article (in docx format), of no fewer than 8,000 words and no more than 12,000 words including notes and bibliography, which is not to exceed 30 pages in length. The first page should include the title (of no more than 150 characters, including spacing), an abstract (of no more than 1000 characters, including spacing), four keywords, and four Journal of Economic Literature classification codes, all written in Spanish or Portuguese and English. The text should state whether the original research data takes gender into account. The format is to comply with the Instructions for Authors.
  2. Document (in docx format) featuring the personal and professional details of the author(s). In case of multiple authorship, the specific contribution of each author shall be declared, as well as the criteria for the order of authors’ names.
  3. Statement of Originality for the manuscript submitted, signed by all the authors, as per the model provided [Statement template pdf]
  4. As appropriate, file (in Excel format) containing graphs and tables, with the original data.
  5. As appropriate, file(s) with images in TIFF format, with a resolution of 300 DPI (dots per inch), in greyscale, measuring 120 mm in width and a maximum height of 180 mm.

In addition to the documents in docx format, the submission may include copies of the same in pdf format. The author(s) may also submit, if they so wish, supplementary files for their electronic publication on the Historia Agraria website, together with the corresponding article according to the terms and conditions set forth in our Instructions for Authors.

Historia Agraria states its categorical rejection of fraudulent academic practices, such as plagiarism and self-plagiarism, and it uses specific tools for their detection (URKUND, TURNITIN).

Authors are to provide the journal with their  ORCID code (Open Researcher and Contributor ID). Those authors without this code may apply for one at no charge to

Statement of originality [PDF]

Instructions for Authors

Propuestas de monográficos
Proposals for monographs

Historia Agraria accepts proposals for the publication of monographs. The criteria for the review of these proposals will be based mainly on their thematic interest and their high scientific quality (innovative approach, relevant subject matter, controversial or topical in academic discussions, new methodological approaches…) and the merit and quality of the authors involved. Although this is not a strictly mandatory requirement, out of choice Historia Agraria would prefer these monographic issues to be published entirely in English. The review process for the manuscripts will follow the journal’s normal procedures.

Editing rules.